Backend section

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Create a superUser

From the console, enter the following command and complete the requested data

(env) path-to-the-project>\my_project>python createsuperuser

Later, it is necessary to enter username, email and password:

Username (leave blank to use 'ferna'): fer
Email address: 
Password (again):

The terminal answer the following:

Superuser created successfully.

Now, run the server and visit "localhost:8000/admin"

(env) path-to-the-project>\my_project>python runserver

Enter the credentials of the user just created

Add CRUD of a model (table) to the admin panel

In the '' file of the application, the following code must be added:

from django.contrib import admin
from My_App.models import My_table

# Register your models here.

Change the headers of the Administration CRUD, without affecting the DB

In order for the CRUD to show a header other than the field name, the 'verbose_name' attribute must be defined in the model in that field. This should be done in the application's '' file:

class My_table(models.Model):
    field1=models.CharField(max_length=30, verbose_name='Name')

If you want to add or remove columns from the table, so that they are shown in the CRUD, for this you must create a new class, which inherits from the original class of the model. This should be done in the application's '' file:

from django.contrib import admin
from My_App.models import My_table

# Register your models here.
class New_My_table(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display=('field1','field4')#We only want to print field1 and field4,New_My_table)

Add a search field to filter the CRUD

For this, a new class must be created, which inherits from the original class of the model. This should be done in the application's '' file:

from django.contrib import admin
from My_App.models import My_table

# Register your models here.
class New_My_table(admin.ModelAdmin):
    search_fields=('field1','field3')#We only want to search items using field1 and 3 like filters,New_My_table)

Add a filter column for the CRUD

For this, a new class must be created, which inherits from the original class of the model. This should be done in the application's '' file:

class New_My_table(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_filter=('field2',)#The filter will work using the field2,New_My_table)

Allow automatic datetime fields to be visible in the CRUD

For this, a new class must be created, which inherits from the original class of the model. This should be done in the application's '' file:

class Activate_Datetime_Fields(admin.ModelAdmin):
    readonly_fields=('field2', 'field3')#The datetime fields with auto_now_add=True feature
				        #are not visible until this configuration, Activate_Datetime_Fields)

Change the language of the administration panel

In the '' file, in the 'LANGUAGE_CODE' variable, place 'es-eu' for Spanish.

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