Python Basic concepts

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It is a programming language created by Guido van Rossum in the early 90s whose name is inspired by the group of English comedians "Monty Python".

It is an interpreted or scripted language, dynamically typed, strongly typed, cross-platform, and object-oriented.

Interpreted language

An interpreted or script language is one that is executed using an intermediate program called an interpreter, instead of compiling the code into machine language that can be understood and executed directly by a computer (compiled languages).

Dynamic typing

The dynamic typing characteristic refers to the fact that it is not necessary to declare the type of data that a certain variable will contain, but its type will be determined at execution time according to the type of the value to which it is assigned, and the type of this variable. Variable can change if a value of another type is assigned to it.

Strongly typed

It is not allowed to treat a variable as if it were of a different type than the one it has, it is necessary to explicitly convert said variable to the new type previously.


The Python interpreter is available on a multitude of platforms (UNIX, Solaris, Linux, DOS, Windows, OS/2, Mac OS, etc.) so if we do not use specific libraries for each platform our program will be able to run on all these systems. no big changes.

Object oriented

Object orientation is a programming paradigm in which real world concepts relevant to our problem are translated into classes and objects in our program. Program execution consists of a series of interactions between objects.

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