Dynamic URL

Notes Single

Functions must be defined for each URL or each URL pattern, as shown in the example:

@app.route('/users/<name>')  # 
def users(name):  # The function receives the parameters
    return 'Hello ' + name

As long as the requested URL matches the pattern 'localhost:port/users/', then the 'users' function will be executed.

Here is an example with multiple parameters in the URL:

@app.route('/users')  # No parameters
@app.route('/users/<name>')  # <1 parameter>
@app.route('/users/<name>/<lastname>')  # <2 parameters>
@app.route('/users/<name>/<lastname>/<int:age>')  # <3 parameters> The third must be integer to match with the route
def users(name="generic name", lastname="generic lastname", age=0):  # The function receives the parameters
    return 'Hello ' + name + ' ' + lastname + '. Your age is ' + str(age)

In the example above, the route is executed upon receiving a request with a URL of the type:


Another way to receive parameters through the URL is with the structure:

dominio/section?parameter1=first-parameter& parameter2=second-parameter

In this case, the request method is used:

from flask import Flask, request

While in the route function we have the following:

def params():
    first_param = request.args.get('first-param', 'first param not found')
    second_param = request.args.get('second-param', 'second param not found')
    return 'The first param is: {} and the second param is: {}'.format(first_param, second_param)

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