Sort a list of integers.... Counting?
Comparison Sorting
Alternative Sorting
My Solution
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
# Complete the 'counting_sort' function below.
# The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY.
# The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY arr as parameter.
def counting_sort(list_int:list)->list:
Sort a list of integers counting the frecuence but not comparating values.
This function creates a list whose size is used for representing each possible
value as an index, and each value in the list represents the frequency each value appears.
list_int : list of int
List of integers values to sort.
frecuency_array: list of int
List whose each index represents a value in list int and the values
in frecuency_array represents the frequency of those list_int's values.
if 20 <= N <= 10**6: # First constrain
frecuency_array = []
for i in range(max(list_int)+1):
if len(list_int) > i:
if list_int[i] < 0>= 100: # Second constrain
raise ValueError('Second constrain violated')
raise ValueError('First constrain violated')
return frecuency_array
if __name__ == '__main__':
N = 20
VALUES = '3 19 15 1 2 2 5 25 3 1 1 0 8 19 12 0 1 3 14 19'
arr = list(map(int, VALUES.rstrip().split()))
result = counting_sort(arr)
1) Taking in account the constraints
I don't know why, but it is pretty common to read solutions where the constraints were ignored, in my case I preferred to use to "if" that check if the constraints are satisfied, otherwise an error message will raise.
First constraint:
if 20 <= N <= 10**6: # First constrain
# code
raise ValueError('First constrain violated')
Second constraint:
if list_int[i] < 0>= 100: # Second constrain
raise ValueError('Second constrain violated')
Count method
I create the list "frecuency_array" and add an item for each value between 0 to the max value found in the original list (list_int), each position in the list "frecuency_array" represents the values in "list_int", but the values in "frecuency_array" represents the frecuency of each value in "list_int".
for i in range(max(list_int)+1):
A step more
Right now we have accomplished the resolution planted in the exercise's statement, but what if we don't need the list with the frequencies instead we need the sorted list? Then, having "result" which is the same "frecuency_array", we can process it like following:
for x in range(len(result))[::-1]: # Loop inverse on result
if result[x]: # If the value appeard at least once
for y in range(result[x]): # Insert the value into the array as
# many times as it has appeared in the original array
Being "matrix" the sorted list. Putting the whole code together:
def counting_sort(list_int:list)->list:
Sort a list of integers counting the frecuence but not comparating values.
This function creates a list whose size is used for representing each possible
value as an index, and each value in the list represents the frequency each value appears.
list_int : list of int
List of integers values to sort.
frecuency_array: list of int
List whose each index represents a value in list int and the values
in frecuency_array represents the frequency of those list_int's values.
if 20 <= N <= 10**6: # First constrain
frecuency_array = []
for i in range(max(list_int)+1):
if len(list_int) > i:
if list_int[i] < 0>= 100: # Second constrain
raise ValueError('Second constrain violated')
raise ValueError('First constrain violated')
return frecuency_array
if __name__ == '__main__':
N = 20
VALUES = '3 19 15 1 2 2 5 25 3 1 1 0 8 19 12 0 1 3 14 19'
arr = list(map(int, VALUES.rstrip().split()))
result = counting_sort(arr)
print('Array of frequencies:')
for x in range(len(result))[::-1]: # Loop inverse on result
if result[x]: # If the value appeard at least once
for y in range(result[x]): # Insert the value into the array as
# many times as it has appeared in the original array
print('Sorted List:')
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